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A Letter from the Cats
Keona and I were recently
told, because we were winners in the online 2006 Traditional Cat pet show,
that they were going to send us a box filled with surprises.
We were so excited when the Fed Ex delivery truck came today with that special box for us. As soon as our humans brought the box into the house, we began to attempt to bite it open. Unfortunately, it was so well wrapped we could not break through the plastic. We chewed; we sniffed; we tried our best but, anxious as we were, we had to wait for them to bring out the scissors and open the box for us. We tried to be patient, but it was really hard.
mean—Wow! Look at all the yarn ribbons we have! Then, Keona suggested that it might be easier to simply sniff for quality instead of count for quantity, as math is not our strong subject. What a great idea! So, I sniffed very carefully and eventually decided that the blue yarn ribbons smell the best, because they are first place and they match our eyes. However, I must admit it was a hard decision to make. All of the ribbons are very nice!
Winning first place in his class has been quite an experience for him, and (as you can see by the photo) he is taking his new position very seriously. As for me, I’m just resting in the glory of it all. I’m feeling like a first class Diva, sitting underneath my yarn ribbons and chewing on the gold—I couldn’t be happier. I’m sitting on top of my world!
Anika and Keona
The Traditional Cat Association, Inc.©1987®TM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © by John & Diana Fineran - Aug 1999- 2024. No portion of this website or any information contained within it may be copied, or in any way distributed, without the expressed written permission of John or Diana Fineran - No exceptions. |